Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Understanding your partner, seeing the reality and how not to fall inlove with your imagination:
 Between the first mistakes that can be done when starting  a relationship is to fool yourself into believing that the other person is exactly  what you’re looking for,  and in this way  falling in love with your own imagination. This is a very common mistake, and almost everybody does it at one point or another. You always have to ask yourself if the image that you have is the same with the reality, is your partner exactly how you think it is? This is an important question for you to ask , as this could save you from many future regrets. Many times people tend to want to leave the impression that is expected from them, for example if a boy at the beginning of a relationship is telling his girlfriend how much he hates shopaholics, you will see that in most cases that girl will try to be or become what is expected from her, but many times forgetting who she really is. The worst case of this situation is when the true person is shown after many and many years of marriage, and then huge problems are appearing, and so the regrets. I think this mistake is mostly made by women as deceiving is one of their main weapons. Dear women’s, please don’t try to show something that you are not, don’t try to be somebody else, sooner or later the truth will be shown, and both parts are going to lose big time. I don’t see often man to do this mistake,  as we are showing exactly what we are we don’t try to fool anybody, we are saying exactly what we think, when we think, it’s called direct communication.
Transforming into something that you’re not, only because you think that this is good for the relationship, or maybe you are doing it unintentionally, will always lead to disaster. When you are in a relationship, the other person wants to know exactly who you are it doesn’t want to know who you might be, he only wants the real you. So don’t try to fake as these will result in casualties for both parts including you.When you are fooling yourself and actually falling in love with your imagination, this will not last, so don’t do it. See your partner for what he really is, understand his personality, what he wants and where he wants to be in future(as this might concern you very much), understand that your fantasies, your desires have absolutely nothing in common with the real person next to you, if something is matching this is a fortunate situation. Finally understanding what you want, what are your expectations, what and who you’re partner really is, and truly understanding,  will help you to live in the real world not in a fantasy. Some relationships start  like hurricane, with deep passion and all the ingredients, almost leading to marriage in a few weeks, and of course ending after a few months. The whole idea is that until you will find your true love, you will find yourself many times in the situation in which you will think that you found your true love but in fact that will not be real, the real art is to make the difference between those two situations. lets you find your perfect life partner.

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